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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Language Learning Strategies for English Speaking Skill among Level 2 Primary School Pupils

Shereen Wong, Stacey Audrey Anak Rakey, Nur Aina Sofiya Sabari, Chyrelly Samuel, Nur Shafiqah Mohamad Shamsul, Harwati Hashim

Open access

Speaking skills plays a vital role in improving the ability to communicate effectively using a language especially to second language learners. Language Learning Strategies (LLS) are beneficial for language learners as it helps them to learn and use a language effectively. However, the lack of confidence has always been a big barrier for them to perform well in speaking English. Hence, a descriptive study has been conducted which aimed to identify the most preferred LLS of speaking skill used by level 2 primary school pupils and ways for educators to improve their speaking skill by using the LLS. A survey questionnaire which has been adopted from the Oxford (1990) Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) was distributed to 50 respondents of rural primary 6 pupils in Sarawak by using random sampling. The data and findings are collected and analyzed by using descriptive analysis through mean score and percentage as the indicators. As a result, the study discovered that the respondents are prone to apply metacognitive strategies most and compensation strategies least when learning English speaking skill. With this knowledge in mind, it is hoped that teachers, typically in the rural areas, would take part in contributing to increase pupils’ awareness of their preferred LLS so as to better enhance their English speaking skill and indirectly boost their confidence level.

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In-Text Citation: (Wong et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Wong, S., Rakey, S. A. A., Sabari, N. A. S., Samuel, C., Shamsul, N. S. M., & Hashim, H. (2022). Language Learning Strategies for English Speaking Skill among Level 2 Primary School Pupils. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(11), 2619 – 2631.