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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Examining Filem Negara Malaysia's Animated Public Service Announcement on Public Health and Safety Issues

Azahar Harun, Dona Lowii Madon, Tengku Shahril Norzaimi Tengku Hariffadzillah

Open access

The former government-owned production house Filem Negara Malaysia or FNM was responsible for recording major historical events and generating thematic government campaigns. The most typical ones in this regard are animated public service announcements (PSAs) that address public health and safety issues. Despite its significance, little research has been conducted on its content, including the visual story and message intent. In light of this, a sample animated PSA titled Nyamuk Aedes, produced in 1978, was examined in this study. According to the findings, the plot of Nyamuk Aedes (1978) can be divided into three acts: 1. the setup; 2. the confrontation; and 3. the resolution. There are also artistic impressions, Anthropomorphic cartoon characters, and amusing elements. As a visual narrative strategy, this animated PSA employs a binary opposition notion and a fear-based appeal to influence audience perception. We conclude that FNM's animated PSA not only communicates important public health and safety issues, but also helps to build a nation.

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In-Text Citation: (Harun et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Harun, A., Madon, D. L., & Hariffadzillah, T. S. N. T. (2023). Examining Filem Negara Malaysia’s Animated Public Service Announcement on Public Health and Safety Issues. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(1), 1171 – 1183.