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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Impact of Social Media Usage on the Organisation’s Reputation Risk through its Cybersecurity

Fatin Aqilah Maskuri, Mohd Zailani Othman, Idris Osman, Suhailah Kassim, Noraznira Abd Razak

Open access

The utilisation of social media among organisations is growing tremendously and is seen to be moving forward in line with the rapidly evolving technology in Malaysia. It is inevitable that social media not only provides benefits to organisations but also exposes organisations to various risks. Local organisations often get public attention when an issue related to the organisation goes viral on social media, exposing them to reputation risk and eventually affecting their reputation. Changes in the reputation of organisations affect relationships with their stakeholders. Most organisations today are aware of the importance of using social media. Despite the beneficial usage of social media, organisations encounter social media risks that require attention and must be catered to wisely. Due to the vulnerability of social media, there is a high possibility of being attacked, which indicates the need for effective cybersecurity in organisations. The aim of this conceptual paper is to discuss the relationship between social media usage and organisation’s reputation risk, in which organisation’s cybersecurity is predictably act as a mediator in the relationship between the variables.

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In-Text Citation: (Maskuri et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Maskuri, F. A., Othman, M. Z., Osman, I., Kassim, S., & Razak, N. A. (2023). The Impact of Social Media Usage on the Organisation’s Reputation Risk through its Cybersecurity. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(2), 179 – 190.