ISSN: 2222-6990
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Employees are expressing challenges in keeping the work and life domains separate from each other which had caused them to face burnout and work-life conflicts which eventually ended up in dissatisfaction, poorer well-being, fatigue, and problems in daily functions. Thus, instead of managing both domains as a different entity, it is important for the employees to realize the significance of work-life integration (WLI) as an effective boundary management strategy to manage their resources from both domains. Moreover, employers should also design a workplace with a flexible concept as it can support the practice of work-life integration towards determining the success of the entire organization. In other words, work-life integration in a flexible work environment is the holistic approach recommended solution by this study to share the interest and benefits of employees who can meet their work, family, personal and community obligations. Therefore, in this article, the involvement of WLI and workplace flexibility in influencing employees’ life satisfaction productivity and organizational commitments were discussed through recent literature reviews and a suggested conceptual framework of this study. Many studies in the past had validated the disadvantages, advantages and issues of WLI. However, the findings of this study draw insights into the potential of WLI in determining the influential factors which play important roles in the success of a whole organization. Moreover, the study also contributed by highlighting the workplace flexibility (as a moderator) for the employees which can heavily influence WLI and all the respective outcomes. Although this framework lacks empirical research, it does provide a theoretical rationale for the argument that work-life integration can be the key to the success of employees and organizations, and it can extend its significant influence with the help of work flexibility. Extended research and comprehensive investigations on this framework through empirical research will be the future of this article to increase the predictive value of this study.
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In-Text Citation: (Samtharam & Baskaran, 2023)
To Cite this Article: Samtharam, S. R., & Baskaran, S. (2023). Work-life Integration and Workplace Flexibility on Life Satisfaction, Work Productivity, and Organization Commitment: Contextual Study. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(2), 1276 – 1289.
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