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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Media Reports on Religious Extremism and Terrorism

Ahmad Munawar Ismail, Wan Kamal Mujani, Kartini Aboo Talib@Khalid

Open access

Extremism is a worldwide and local problem that has never been resolved and is frequently covered by the media. The media's coverage of extremism has two facets: either as a catalyst for extremism or as a means of combating it. Extremism exists in numerous forms and points of view, including those of race, ideology, politics, and religion. The use of the word "extremist" in the name of religion, particularly Islam, has frequently been a prominent theme in the reporting of extremism news, leading to misperceptions about Islam. The misunderstandings have a negative impact on social harmony and portray Islam as a violent or offensive faith. The occurrence of Islamophobia was a consequence of misinformation about Islam, particularly following the September 11 attacks. The function of the media, the ethics of journalism, and the importance of news are superior sources of information for dispelling misconceptions about Islam. This article examines news coverage of extremism, religious extremism, global and local extremism, and Islamic viewpoints on news consumption. The perspectives of anti-extremism campaigners in Southeast Asia on the role of the media in matters pertaining to religious violent extremism are highlighted by subsequent remarks on the ethics of journalism and news values directed by the United Nations (UN) and other agency recommendations. It is anticipated that this article will give readers a correct perspective on the reporting of religious extremism news and a clear understanding of religious violent extremism, so that they will not simply acknowledge or believe arbitrary fake news.

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In-Text Citation: (Ismail et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Ismail, A. M., Mujani, W. K., & Talib@Khalid, K. A. (2023). Media Reports on Religious Extremism and Terrorism. International Journal of Academic Research in Business & Social Sciences, 13(2), 1007 – 1019.