ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
The employees resilient seemed changed after pandemic that affected social support at workplace due to Work from Home (WFH) being as a new remote working system for almost 2 years. In Malaysia, the government announced that the servant needs to work in office as usual early of 2022. The resilience among employees might be affected while keep changing the social support system. Thus, this study tries to reveal the extent of social support and the factors contribute among employees in Social Security Organization (SOCSO) in Kedah. The chosen of this agency regards to essential services due to social security affected the most wellbeing of employees due to COVID-19. The method of quantitative through survey used in this study and the findings shows that social, emotional, information and tool have positive relationship with the social support towards the employee’s resilience. In recommendations, there is a room for improvement especially in tool support and the facilities in digital technology to be fully utilised. In future research, perhaps the future researchers will have wider scope of respondents, methods, and area to gain more findings that can generalize to employee resilience among employee in Malaysia at large.
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In-Text Citation: (Zakaria et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Zakaria, Z., Azmi, N. A., Noordin, N., & Sawal, M. Z. H. M. (2023). Social Support Influencing The Employee’s Resilience in Malaysian Public Sector. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(3), 346 – 359.
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