ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Public awareness of gold savings and investment is gaining ground in Malaysia. This kind of mind clearly knows and well aware of the significance and advantages of gold, which is regarded as an inflation-proof currency. By offering a variety of gold savings and investment products, financial institutions other than banks have multiplied in recent years. Along with the community's potential exposure to scam syndicates in the gold investment industry, as Muslims they have an additional obligation to exercise caution and steer clear of any dealings or transactions involving usury. Thus, this study was done to identify the Sharia contracts and concepts found in the existing Sharia-compliant gold savings and investment models in Malaysia. This study used a document analysis approach such as articles, journals related to the theories, applications and issues of muamalat in Islam. The findings of the study revealed that most models of gold savings and investments in Malaysia adhere to the legitimate Sharia principles. The Sharia contracts that need to be focused on the application of these models are bai’ sarf, musawamah, wa’d, wakalah, wadi’ah, qard, ujrah and tawarruq. The findings of this study are very valuable for future research and development work on the Sharia-compliant gold savings and investment model as a source of information and a manual.
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In-Text Citation: (Abas et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Abas, A.-M., Zain, M. N. M., Yaacob, S. E., Yahaya, M. Z., & Ghani, N. A. R. N. A. (2023). A Review on Sharia-compliant Gold Savings and Investment Models in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(3), 1422 – 1433.
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