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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Politics and Processing in The Struggle of Hizbut Tahrir in Malaysia

Muhammad Habibi, Shamsul Azhar Bin Yahya

Open access

This research is to describe the political struggle and proselytizing of Hizbut Tahrir Malaysia as a transnational political party. The political movement and proselytizing of Hizbut Tahrir have become a polemic in various countries, especially countries with an Islamic pattern or a majority Muslim population, as is also the case in Malaysia. This investigation is a case study with a qualitative approach. Data collection uses primary data and secondary data, in the form of documentation, mufti fatwa certificates, lists of interview protocols, with a qualitative presentation. Meanwhile, the data analysis used descriptive, phenomenological, and content analysis methods. Hizbut Tahrir Malaysia (HTM) is in the process of making effective use of the internet for peaceful purposes, such as Facebook, the Forum Ummah Online blog and Apart from that, public demonstrations with the issue of Muslims in Palestine are another tool used by HTM in abortion of new members. HTM also varies significantly between institutions at the expense of PAS and its fee student cohort. However, HTM failed to convince Malaysians to avoid general elections at the national level. The existence of a ban on HTM in Malaysia has affected the space for HTM to move in activities so that this movement tends to be hidden in spreading its understanding.

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In-Text Citation: (Habibi & Yahya, 2023)
To Cite this Article: Habibi, M., & Yahya, S. A. Bin. (2023). Politics and Processing in The Struggle of Hizbut Tahrir in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(6), 1827 – 1835.