ISSN: 2222-6990
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Due to the pandemic, many students are experiencing problems in face-to-face classes. In this post-pandemic phase, it is observed that students are unable to deal with communicating with their lecturers and peers, feeling awkward in their social interactions. Many were found to be shy, passive, inarticulate, mispronouncing words, and unable to present during class presentations. They also found it difficult to write in formal English and instead write using Internet jargon. Due to this, it is imperative that a solution be found. It is crucial that this serious issue be addressed to ensure that the next generation grows to be more self-confident and have excellent communication skills as these are the foundations of success in life. Therefore, it is proposed that Collaborative Learning (CL) be incorporated in the classroom to resolve the problem of a lack of communicative competence particularly in the post-pandemic era. This study utilizes the qualitative method which encompasses library research to compile the necessary data. To produce the research findings, the compiled data will then be analyzed according to content. The findings show that CL has numerous advantages in helping students overcome their lack of communicative competence. With CL, students will be able to reach their potential while learning in a conducive environment.
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In-Text Citation: (Ibrahim et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Ibrahim, N., Tagie, G., Yusof, A. M., Shak, M. S. Y., Zaidi, A., & Ghani, M. H. (2023). Post-Pandemic Blues: Collaborative Learning (CL) and Communicative Competence in The English As A Second Language (ESL) Classroom. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(4), 423 – 434.
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