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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Psychological Capital (PSYCAP), Emotional Labour, and Burnout in Malaysia: An Overview

Al-Shams Abdul Wahid, Idaya Husna Mohd, Muhamad Khalil Omar

Open access

The topic of psychological capital, emotional labour, and burnout in Malaysia is of great importance as it can provide valuable insights for organizations, policymakers, and researchers to develop effective strategies to improve employee well-being and organizational performance. Understanding PsyCap and its impact on employees can help organizations develop strategies to improve productivity and job satisfaction. Similarly, understanding emotional labour and its impact on employees can help organizations manage emotional labour, improve job satisfaction, and reduce the risk of burnout. Lastly, understanding the factors that contribute to burnout and how to prevent it in Malaysia can help organizations create a healthier work environment and retain talented employees. This article employs a methodical strategy to examine the current body of literature concerning PsyCap, emotional labour, and burnout and is presented as a conceptual review. This research's finding highlighted that the the well-being and effectiveness of Malaysian public social welfare workers can be ensured by developing their psychological capital (PsyCap) and reducing the risk of burnout. Effective strategies include enhancing self-efficacy, cultivating optimism and resilience, developing a growth mindset, job crafting, prioritizing self-care, and addressing organizational factors. The study suggests that, in the future, the social welfare sector should focus on developing and maintaining psychological capital among workers by providing training programs that build self-efficacy, hope, optimism, and resilience. Additionally, organizations should provide resources to help social welfare workers manage emotional labour and monitor and address burnout to reduce negative outcomes. By creating a positive and supportive work environment, organizations can improve job satisfaction, reduce turnover, and enhance the quality of care provided to vulnerable populations.

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In-Text Citation: (Wahid et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Wahid, A.-S. A., Mohd, I. H., & Omar, M. K. (2023). Psychological Capital (PSYCAP), Emotional Labour, and Burnout in Malaysia: An Overview. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(5), 1128 – 1143.