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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Meta-Analysis of Circuit, Interval, and Conventional Training Methods Towars Motivation and Mental Toughness among Elementary School Hockey Athletes

Mohammad Iqram Akeef Mohd Amin, Wan Ahmad Munsif Wan Pa

Open access

In high-intensity and high-performance training, athletes sometimes face physical or mental aspects. The observed thing is that there is less or no research on the training method's effect on motivation. Studies linking exercise and its impact on the basis and mental toughness are lacking. This study aims to see the effects of particular training methods, namely circuit training methods, interval training, and conventional training, on motivation and mental toughness in primary school hockey athletes. Based on references from past studies presented in the Literature Highlights, it has been found that most studies that researchers have carried out are in the form of a combination of two research methods, namely the quasi-experimental type and the survey type. Sports Motivation Scale (SMS) or Sports Motivation Scale is widely used in studies related to sports motivation. In addition, another instrument found as a result of references from past studies used by researchers is the Mental Toughness Questionnaire (MTQ). In this pilot study, the respondents chosen by the researcher are students aged 11 to 12 years who are currently in Years 5 and 6 in the Malaysian education system. A total of 20 students involved in the game of hockey who are hockey athletes were selected based on the purposive sampling method. The findings of the pilot study found that the reliability and validity of the research instrument with a Cronbach alpha value >0.7 (excellent and acceptable). Thus, the findings of this pilot study show that this existing instrument can be used in the actual study later.

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In-Text Citation: (Amin & Pa, 2023)
To Cite this Article: Amin, M. I. A. M., & Pa, W. A. M. W. (2023). Meta-Analysis of Circuit, Interval, and Conventional Training Methods Towars Motivation and Mental Toughness among Elementary School Hockey Athletes. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(3), 1636 – 1647.