ISSN: 2222-6990
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The main purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between Junior Purple League Badminton players' anxiety towards sleep quality and their physical health. Several clubs or teams that competed in the Purple League were the subjects of this investigation. Before conducting the real study, researchers need to conduct a pilot study first. For this pilot study, 30 players were chosen as respondents with the same characteristics as a real respondents. Utilizing the questionnaire method, this study is considered quantitative research. Research data was collected using a set of questionnaires that were administered online using the 'Google Forms software. The questionnaire instrument in this study contains four parts where Part A contains information related to demographics, part B relates to the badminton player's level of anxiety, part C relates to the self-report of sleep quality and finally, Part D covers questions related to physical fitness. The result of the pilot study revealed that, Cronbach's alpha value for anxiety variables was >0.8, Cronbach's alpha value for sleep quality variables was >0.8 and Cronbach's alpha value for physical fitness variables was >0.9. Thus, the findings of this pilot study show that this existing instrument is appropriate and can be used in the actual study later.
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In-Text Citation: (Saad & Pa, 2023)
To Cite this Article: Saad, M. I. M., & Pa, W. A. M. W. (2023). Preparatory Study of Anxiety towards Sleep Quality and Physical Fitness of Elite Badminton Players. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(4), 174 – 182.
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