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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Impact of Leadership, Innovation, and Organisation Learning on the Digital Maturity of Organisations in Malaysia

Awang Iskandar Awang Jidon, Mohd Husyairi Mohd Hanapiah, Christine Pamela Chandrakasan, Paridah Daud, Omar Musa

Open access

The broad range of digital disruption has become ubiquitous to organizations in the light of movement restrictions imposed to curb the global pandemic Covid-19. Digital interaction became the numerous modes of communication in urban societies worldwide. The evolution of digital technology has been rampant worldwide, but the adaptation was slower in Malaysia compared to neighboring southeast Asian countries, pre-covid-19. The pandemic brought about a forceful digital transformation in Malaysia with management playing a fervent role in its amplification. Leadership, innovation, and organizational learning have become fundamental incorporations for every organization to have sustainable digital maturity. Leadership is evaluated from both capability and competency perspectives. Innovation is looked at from sustainable and breakthrough innovations. Organizational learning includes knowledge management and learning culture. This study is quantitative research with a sample size of 147 respondents from organizations within Malaysia that uses digital technologies in their day-to-day operations. Structured comparative research was applied using a systematic comparison of measurement instruments with multivariate data analysis within Malaysia. Our findings indicate a strong and positive correlation between digital maturity and innovation. Leadership and organizational learning have a moderately strong and positive correlation with Digital Maturity. The findings can contribute to managerial and policy improvement toward digital transformation, while avenues for future research directions are discussed.

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In-Text Citation: (Chandrakasan et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Chandrakasan, C. P., Daud, P., Musa, O., Jidon, A. I. A., & Hanapiah, M. H. M. (2023). The Impact of Leadership, Innovation, and Organisation Learning on the Digital Maturity of Organisations in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(5), 1684 – 1706.