ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Government and private sector agencies have made quality investments in entrepreneurial development in Nigeria. This is inclusive of providing enabling environments. In the presence of these, the rate and level of growth and development in entrepreneurship as factors for social economic macro societal development is still poor. This work with the aid of well structured sets of questionnaires, structured interviews and observations generated and analyzed data based on ‘z’ statistic that show deficiencies in entrepreneurial strive which are development traceable to inadequacy in strategic alliances between existing institutions involved in the development of entrepreneurship in Nigeria. In addition, is absence of quality network for the maximization of economy scale in resource utilization among others? This work thus recommends the establishment of functional institutions based on acceptance policies that encourage education of and among entrepreneurs for specialization and project execution, quality growth in networking among natural and artificial persons involved in the programmes of entrepreneurial development among others. These as recommendations have the capacity of stimulating entrepreneur behaviours for the discovering and satisfying unsatisfied markets even in the face of risks and uncertainties and for entrepreneurial development.
Copyright: © 2018 The Author(s)
Published by Human Resource Management Academic Research Society (
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