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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Civilisation Sciences: The Theological and Historical Perspectives

Agus Gunawan, Awang Saputra, Arif Fadilah

Open access

In postgraduate academic studies, understanding science and civilisation is essential as a rationale for history and theology to avoid misunderstandings and clashes. Aims research to explain the role of science in supporting the civilisation that occurred, to know the history of the philosophy of science in the development of civilisation, and to know the differences in theological views on science in civilisation. This research uses qualitative methods with a literature study approach by optimising the sources of books, journals, and research reports related to the philosophy of science, history, and religion. This study's results explain that science's existence should not be considered a final thing. It needs to be criticised and studied and not be weakened and placed in the correct position to avoid absolute or consider science as scientific truth and develop in the formation of human civilisation. Philosophy 20th century is the peak of the history of the philosophy of science. The differentiation of scientific disciplines and philosophy is radicalising rationality. Reasoning moves from the problem unconscious to human science existence. The differences between civilisations and the development of science and knowledge not accurate are still fundamental. Where is religion makes differences between the social structure of humans and God, individuals, and groups so that they do not have to give birth to a conflict called the clash of civilisations. The implications as academics understand the philosophy of science requires understanding history and theology to unite science and civilisation.

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In-Text Citation: (Gunawan et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Gunawan, A., Saputra, A., & Fadilah, A. (2023). Civilisation Sciences: The Theological and Historical Perspectives. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(5), 1307 – 1322.