ISSN: 2222-6990
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The embarkment of Malaysian defence industrialisation began as early as 1970. Since then, the government has been striving to spearhead the defence industry. Several government agencies have been assigned for this purpose, each with a designated task and role to synergise the defence industry. Hence, this study aims to critically analyse the implementation of the Government of Malaysian in defence industrialisation. This study uses a qualitative methodology through a semi-structured interview with prominent personnel directly involved in the national defence industry, document analysis and literature review using Thematic Data Analysis and ATLAS.ti. Based on the study's findings, several weaknesses and deficiencies in the implementation by the Government of Malaysia have been identified. In the end, this paper highlighted the potential implementation to drive growth and improve the national defence industry in the future. This study proposed that all relevant government agencies involved should embrace their roles accordingly by having more solid and direct engagement with the industry players, recognising the actual capabilities of the industry and giving the necessary priority to the industry.
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In-Text Citation: (Abdullah & Zahari, 2023)
To Cite this Article: Abdullah, E., & Zahari, H. M. (2023). Critical Analysis of the Government’s Role in Creating Synergies in the Defence Industry from the Perspective of Malaysian Industry Players. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(4), 1927 – 1945.
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