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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Influence of Strategic Collaboration of Motorcycle, Accessibility to Markets and Performance of Wholesale and Retail Business in Kenya

Wanjau Christopher Kinyua, Gichuhi D. M., Kiambati, K

Open access

The wholesale and retail sector is one of the key sectors that are expected to help the government in realizing vision 2030. They are great contributors to employment and GDP. However, of late, wholesale and retail businesses have faced a myriad of challenges in their performance in the dynamic environment. This study sought to establish the influence of motorcycle strategic collaboration, and accessibility to the markets on the performance of wholesale and business businesses in Kenya. This study was anchored on Porter’s five forces model. The research philosophy adopted for the study was descriptive using a quantitative approach was used. The study targeted all wholesale and retail shops in 47 counties and systematic sampling and simple random sampling techniques were employed to select a sample size of 383 respondents. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data. Descriptive and inferential analysis was undertaken using SPSS software Version 28. On average, the findings noted that motorcycle accessibility to the markets had enhanced the growth of wholesaler and retailer businesses in Kenya with a score of 4.03 out of 5.0. On inferential statistics, the study found that motorcycle accessibility to the markets had a statistically significant influence on the performance of wholesale and retail businesses in Kenya (t = 26.341; P = 0.000 < 0.05). The coefficient of determination was R2=0.802 suggesting that motorcycle accessibility to the markets explains 80.2% of variations in the performance of wholesale and retail businesses that motorcycles for last-mile delivery in Kenya. The study concluded that motorcycle accessibility had a strong and significant relationship with performance. The study recommends that there is a need to engage motorcycle delivery services to easily access more customers in remote areas. The government should formalize and regulate the activities of commercial motorcycle operators to strengthen the business.

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In-Text Citation: (Kinyua et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Kinyua, W. C., M., G. D., & Kiambati, K. (2023). Influence of Strategic Collaboration of Motorcycle, Accessibility to Markets and Performance of Wholesale and Retail Business in Kenya. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(5), 2354 – 2381.