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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Inspection by Bootstrap Method in Virtual Brand Communities and Brand Relationships: Does Impression Management Play a Mediating Role?

Guo Bing, Asif Mahbub Karim, Nadia Farhana

Open access

Virtual brand community citizenship behavior, as an important part of multiple behaviors in the community, has always had an important role for the healthy development and influence expansion of the brand itself. There are certain variables in the internal mechanism of citizenship behavior that affect the relationship between the citizens themselves and the brand itself, and there are some brand customers in corporate brand communities who gain brand attention and favor by beautifying their self-image and impression management, but in the brand management practice, is such behavior useful for corporate brand relationship maintenance? Do companies really need such behaviors to enhance the brand relationship with consumers? The authors conducted an empirical study and survey, collecting a sample of citizens from corporate brand communities for relevant analysis, and verified whether impression management plays a mediating role through structural equation modeling. The results show that virtual brand community citizenship behavior has a positive and significant effect on brand relationship, impression management has no significant effect on brand relationship, and virtual brand community citizenship behavior has a positive and significant effect on impression management. Bootstrap mediation effect test shows that impression management does not play a mediation effect in the influence of virtual brand community citizenship behavior on brand relationship. This indicates that companies need authentic and accurate brand community citizenship behaviors to maintain brand relationships, and brand community citizenship behaviors with a fake nature do not enhance the brand relationships between companies and consumers. This study contributes to the enrichment of the empirical literature on brand management and provides a reference for brand management practice.

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In-Text Citation: (Bing et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Bing, G., Karim, A. M., & Farhana, N. (2023). Inspection by Bootstrap Method in Virtual Brand Communities and Brand Relationships: Does Impression Management Play a Mediating Role? International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(3), 1759 – 1773.