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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Investigating Hospitality Student’s Acceptance in Online Learning Platform: Utilising UTAUT Model

Muhammad Fahmi Md Sabri, Noradzhar Baba, Wan Ahmad Nasroun Wan Sulaiman

Open access

This conceptual paper aims to investigate the relationship between hospitality students’ acceptance of using online learning platforms during the pandemic of COVID-19 by utilizing the UTAUT Model. The spreading of COVID-19 has altered the landscape of world education, including the higher education system in Malaysia. All traditional classes need to be switched to online learning activities to ensure the spreading of this virus can be retained. Additionally, this enormous online movement has also allowed many educators to reconsider the purpose of education and their relationships with students. Furthermore, limited studies have investigated the challenges surrounding student acceptance and adoption of such systems and their consequences for teaching and learning, particularly among students in the hospitality and tourism fields. UTAUT is the most adopted model in investigating user acceptance of online technology, which in this conceptual paper focuses on hospitality students’ online learning. The UTAUT model was adopted and modified to fit the proposed research framework by incorporating all dimensions acting as the variable. Five theoretical propositions are suggested in the literature review. This study is added to the literature on digital technology and application adoption in hospitality students’ online learning environments.

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In-Text Citation: (Sabri et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Sabri, M. F. M., Baba, N., & Sulaiman, W. A. N. W. (2023). Investigating Hospitality Student’s Acceptance in Online Learning Platform: Utilising UTAUT Model. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(5), 446 – 457.