ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Rapid advancement of Smart Tourism Technologies (STTs) creates new potential for tourism development. STTs are being used by more tourism destinations to attract more tourists and enhance their trip experience. Even though STTs are gaining popularity, little study has been done to assess tourists’ travel satisfaction and experiences, especially on tourist’ engagement, interaction and experience with using STTs applications, and websites available and offered at the destination. This study aims to examine Indonesian tourists’ travel satisfaction and their intention to revisit the destination affected by STTs attributes namely informativeness, accessibility, interactivity, and personalization. Furthermore, this study attempts to measure the mediating effect of travel satisfaction towards the relationship of STTs attributes and revisit intention to Bali, Indonesia. Convenience sampling was used in this study and the analysis relied on data from 250 tourists who visited Bali between 2017 and 2021. Findings suggest that personalization is the main factor that affected tourists' travel experience and intention to revisit while informativeness, accessibility, and interactivity did not have a direct link with the intention to revisit. Interestingly, the STTs attributes have a positive significant relationship with tourists' travel satisfaction. Additionally, tourists’ travel satisfaction positively mediates the relationship between STTs attributes and tourists’ intention to revisit. The finding of this research provides an understanding and knowledge that the attribute of personalization in STTs application is vital to influence tourists’ satisfaction and intention to revisit. The findings of the study suggested that tourism destinations could improve tourists’ experiences by designing better tourism products and services that incorporate the key dimensions of personalization in their smart technologies applications to improve their competitiveness.
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In-Text Citation: (Qian et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Qian, W., Halidin, I., & Anuar, F. I. (2023). The Influence of Smart Tourism Technologies (STTs) Attributes on Domestic Tourists’ Travel Satisfaction and Revisit Intention: Evidence from Bali. International Journal of Academic Research in Business & Social Sciences, 13(5), 453 – 468.
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