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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

How to Totally Stopon Thinking about Admissions Criteria for Teacher Education Programs? That Can Make or Break You

Azad Iqram Nadmilail, Mohd Effendi @ Ewan Mohd Matore, Siti Mistima Maat

Open access

This study examines the admissions criteria used by teacher education programs in seven countries, including the England, Canada, Oman, Australia, Finland, Singapore and Malaysia. The study compares the use of three main criteria for admission: academic qualifications, non-academic factors, or a combination of the two. The result found that there was significant variation in the admissions criteria used across the countries. Some countries placed a greater emphasis on academic qualifications, while others placed more weight on non-academic factors such as personal qualities during the interviews and assessment test. The study also found that there were differences in the types of non-academic factors considered with some countries placing a greater emphasis on literacy skills, social skills, communication skills and other skills relevant. Overall, the study highlights the importance of considering the academic, non-academic and other factors that influence admissions criteria for teacher education programs. Academic qualification is the dominant selection approach used globally in the teacher education program.

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In-Text Citation: (Nadmilail et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Nadmilail, A. I., Matore, M. E. @ E. M., & Maat, S. M. (2023). How to Totally Stopon Thinking about Admissions Criteria for Teacher Education Programs? That Can Make or Break You. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(5), 2971 – 2983.