ISSN: 2222-6990
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E-HRM has a broad and rich theoretical base that has an exceptional impact on the work environment. Numerous recent studies suggest that due to the rapid advancement of information and communication technology, the use of E-HRM technology has grown significantly in recent years across a variety of businesses and public services. The current study follows the qualitative research methodology by analyzing the content of previous studies related to the subject of the study. This study aims to increase in-depth knowledge and deliberates on the importance of E-HRM technology as an effective method in all areas that convert human resources from merely administrative partners to strategic partners in the work environment, via shedding light on the operational relational and transformational classification of E-HRM and how these classifications covering the business targets in the administrative relational and strategic aspects. Furthermore, this paper focuses on the theoretical part of E-HRM by elaborating on the Adaptive Structuration Theory as one of the best group communication theories and studies the interaction of groups and organizations with information technology. The study concluded that E-HRM is a critical technology that can meet the new workplace needs and handle the advanced work environment issues due to the emergence of globalization in the markets and the strong competition. This study contributes to the body of knowledge by providing a thorough grasp of the benefits of adopting the E-HRM technology to improve workplace workflow. Moreover, this study clarifies the idea of E-HRM and demonstrates how important it is for practitioners and researchers to continue to explore and pay attention to it.
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In-Text Citation: (Qatamin & Alkoud, 2023)
To Cite this Article: Qatamin, L., & Alkoud, S. (2023). Concept, Theory, and Classification of Electronic-HRM: A Conceptual Study. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(7), 1115 – 1127.
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