ISSN: 2222-6990
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The fast growth of internet facility and services has provided another great marketplace for clothes shopping in the era of globalization. Moreover, online shopping also become very famous currently. The way people purchase, evaluate products and services, and conduct business has changed because of technological improvements, notably in the information and communication technology fields. Fashionable clothes play an essential role, and many adult customers like to purchase through online shopping. Several factors can impact adult consumers purchasing fashionable clothes. The main aim of this study is to determine the factors affecting the online shopping of purchasing fashionable clothes among adults. In addition, there is also an investigation of the relationships between the independent variables which are privacy/security, website design, customer service, and product variety, and the dependent variable which is online shopping of purchasing fashionable clothes among adults. Data gathering which is primary data was collected through a survey questionnaire with 402 respondents with a response rate of 89 percent who have experience purchasing clothes through online stores. The target population consists of adult consumers from various backgrounds in Klang Valley. Besides that, convenience sampling of non-probability sampling was used for data collection. Based on the research results, there are four independent variables which are privacy/security, website design, customer service, and product variety had been established that have a positive and significant relationship with online shopping of purchasing fashionable clothes among adults according to the coefficient value, all variables are reported positively. Furthermore, there is a significant moderate positive relationship between privacy/security, website design, customer service and online shopping of purchasing fashionable clothes among adults. Then, there is a significant high positive relationship between product variety and online shopping of purchasing fashionable clothes among adults. where r = 0.762, p < 0.001. As the finding of this study, it can help online clothes store sellers to understand and build up suitable strategies and methods to gain profit and market share efficiently and effectively.
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In-Text Citation: (Nor et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Nor, S. M., Azami, N., Mohan, P. D., Lorudosamy, C. D., Jiunn, S. T. C., Marimuthu, N. S., & Salleh, K. (2023). Factors Affecting Online Shopping of Purchasing Fashionable Clothes among Adults in Klang Valley. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(7), 157– 173.
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