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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Motivational Factors and Employee Performance: An Empirical Study in Malaysian Public University

Rosman Mahmood, Nurulnadwan Aziz, Zuriyati Ahmad, Mulyana Mulyana, Wan Fadzlina Wan Nasir

Open access

This study aims to determine motivational factors that influence employees' work performance in the public higher education context. Based on the Two-Factor Herzberg theory, five motivational factors were chosen. Using a stratified sampling method, a total of 226 public university employees in the relevant category were used as a study sample. Multiple regression analysis was performed to clarify the five study hypotheses. The study's findings depicted that the work factor itself, monetary reward, job security and work environment influence employee performance. Nonetheless, recognition was insignificant in influencing work performance. The monetary reward was found to be the most significant factor compared to the other four factors involved in the study. This study revealed that work factors, monetary reward, and job security are important factors that motivate workers to remain in the organization. While a conducive work environment with various facilities and support will provide comfort that can stimulate the minds of employees to be more motivated in completing the tasks assigned to them. In the future study, it is suggested that the variance value of some other motivational factors such as non-monetary incentives, relationship with colleagues, leadership, and relationship with leaders, institutional culture, learning and development opportunities, work-life balance, and personal life can be added as variables.

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In-Text Citation: (Mahmood et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Mahmood, R., Aziz, N., Ahmad, Z., Mulyana, M., & Nasir, W. F. W. (2023). The Motivational Factors and Employee Performance: An Empirical Study in Malaysian Public University. International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management and Sciences, 12(2), 255 – 271.