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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Food Security Realization in Kenya: Strategic Supplier Partnership and Operational Efficiency in Engaging Agricultural Food Authority

Fridah Chepleting, Gregory Namusonge, Elizabeth Nambuswa Makokha

Open access

The Kenyan Government launched Food security as one of the Big Four Agenda which, with the contribution of the food supply chain participants, mainly focuses on eradicating the perennial Food security that has been transmuting the Kenyan population for a long time. Thus, this study’s development focuses on the replication of regime initiative through the adoption of the strategic supplier partnership resilience concept, with the position of postulating the best practices to drive operational efficiency along the food chain. The study-concrete target examines the direct contribution of supplier evaluation, supplier segmentation and supplier development which, via using literature review and development of resilience framework, can be Anchorage in the Food Supply Chain for operational efficiency. The 380 respondents who participated in the study were captivated by the directorates undertaking operations through the governance of the Agriculture Food Authority in Kenya. The structured questionnaires were developed and administered to employees for data collection. Inferential data was subjected to multiple regressions statistical approach to determine the study results. The cause-effect results affirmed that the three strategic supplier partnership constituents namely; supplier evaluation, supplier segmentation and supplier development were positive and significant predictors of the operational efficiency model derived in the study is congruous for fostering food security and thus enhancing perpetual food chain improvement. This could elevate the operational efficiency of the Agriculture Food Authority in the realization of food stability. The paper is of scholarly value and engenders value integration to policymakers and extensively practitioners in the food supply chain industry.

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In-Text Citation: (Chepleting et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Chepleting, F., Namusonge, G., & Makokha, E. N. (2023). Food Security Realization in Kenya: Strategic Supplier Partnership and Operational Efficiency in Engaging Agricultural Food Authority. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(6), 2016 – 2033.