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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Between Sentence Grammar and Text Grammar

Nashwa Mohamed Mohamed Elsayed, Ibrahim Babikir Elhag Abd Elgadir

Open access

It is necessary to read an entire text in order to understand its meaning, or it may suffice to read a few pages or sentences to conclude that the content of the text or discourse is coherent and interdependent. As Arab commentators and rhetoricians have put it, the text constitutes the artistic painting in which one part does not replace the other. On the contrary, this part alone does not represent the content outside the text, it represents the inside and the question which arise here can the readers of the text extrapolate part of it without thoroughly examining and scrutinizing the entire text, and then making a judgment on the text? Therefore, this research will discuss the concept of "sentence grammar" and "text grammar" and to clarify the mechanisms of each of them in reading the text. This study follows the descriptive and analytical approaches. The research has concluded a number of results, including: 1 . and they did not deal with a unit greater than it. Arabic grammarians and many interpreters were far from treating the text as a complete structure, and they did not transcend the sentence. 2. Whoever begins to read a text, does not have to rely, in his reading of the text, on its vocabulary and sentences that are isolated from the text to which they belong. These vocabulary and sentences are viewed by the critic, or should be seen as a building block in a large structure which is the text. and The research has concluded a number of Recommendations: including: 1. That the critic and the reader of the text depend, for the purpose of its interpretation, on the vocabulary and sentences of the text that are not isolated from the text to which they belong, these vocabulary and sentences are viewed by the critic, or should be seen as a building block in a large edifice that is the text.
2. Both sentence grammar and text grammar have their own mechanisms, concepts, and procedures, and neither the reader nor the critic should make one of them a substitute for the other. and will be divided into three parts, the first part is: the concept of syntax, the second topic is the concept of the text. As for the third axis, it is entitled: Mechanisms for reading and interpreting texts.

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In-Text Citation: (Elsayed & Elgadir, 2023)
To Cite this Article: Elsayed, N. M. M., & Elgadir, I. B. E. A. (2023). Between Sentence Grammar and Text Grammar. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(6), 268 – 275.