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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Enhancing Cybersecurity Awareness among Banking Employees in Malaysia: Strategies, Implications, and Research Insights

Santhananthan Gopal Krishnan, Abdulaziz Al-Nahari, Noor Azma Ismail, Danny Ngo Lung Yao

Open access

Cybersecurity awareness is important for employees in Malaysia's banking sector. Protecting valuable data from theft and misuse requires fostering a culture of awareness and providing comprehensive security training. Unintentional disclosure of sensitive information poses a significant risk, leading to cyberattacks and loss of clients, eventually impacting profitability. This paper explores the dependent variable of cybersecurity awareness and delves into independent variable analysis, strategies, and the existing lack of cyber security measures. A sample of 384 employees from a Malaysian banking organization was selected using the Krejcie & Morgan sampling technique. Data analysis was conducted and demonstrating good internal consistency and mitigating concerns about measurement reliability. Furthermore, collinearity issues were absent, as indicated by VIF values below ten and tolerance values exceeding 0.1 for the examined independent variables.

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In-Text Citation: (Krishnan et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Krishnan, S. G., Al-Nahari, A., Ismail, N. A., & Yao, D. N. L. (2023). Enhancing Cybersecurity Awareness among Banking Employees in Malaysia: Strategies, Implications, and Research Insights. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(8), 596– 612.