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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Need Analysis of Arabic Language Model Design for Islamic Law

Ummu Hani Abas, Mohammad Najib Jaffar, Azlan Shaiful Baharum, Abdul Manan Ismail, Ahmad Asyraf Mat Ali, Rasmina Hasbullah

Open access

This study aims to analyze the construction need of the Arabic Language Model For Islamic law. Nowadays, the problem we are facing is our lack of attention to know the methods of the Arabic language and its function in understanding a text and its purposes by looking at operational, conceptual, explicit, metaphorical, general, and specific interpretations in where all this requires a complete knowledge of the language. Therefore, the understanding of the function of Grammatical and Rhetorical Connotations (Dalalat Nahwiyyah and Balaghiyyah) in the construction of law needs to be taken into account through strengthening the features of the academic module unit. This study uses the needs analysis model of Hutchinson and Waters, 1987 which consists of Lacks, Needs, and Wants to collect primary data. While the supporting data is obtained from the analysis of relevant documents. The findings of the study show that the majority of respondents already understand most of the topics related to Arabic Grammar and that they do so well even though some of them still have not mastered it. In term of Arabic Rhetoric, the majority of respondents showed uncertainty with their level of understanding and mastery of this knowledge. Therefore, we found that the majority of respondents strongly agreed to study Arabic Grammar and Rhetoric and its Connotations(Dalalat) with understanding their function in constructing the Syariah law.

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In-Text Citation: (Abas et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Abas, U. H., Jaffar, M. N., Baharum, A. S., Ismail, A. M., Ali, A. A. M., & Hasbullah, R. (2023). Need Analysis of Arabic Language Model Design for Islamic Law. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(6), 451 – 467.