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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Analyzing the Challenges, Effects, and Motivations of Gig Economy Workers

Noorziah Mohd Salleh, Sri Norfitriani Mohamed Shukry, Velarie Maylyn Claudius Jokinol

Open access

This qualitative study explores the gig economy's challenges, effects, and motivations. Understanding the crucial issues could result in improved human resource management and better health and wellbeing for workers. A qualitative approach was used to explore the main jobs performed by gig workers in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. This study included both full-time and part-time walkers and cyclists. A semi-structured interview was used to identify the challenges and effects of gig delivery food riders. The main challenge is an unstable income, which may negatively impact their finances. Upon delivery, the commission is paid. This situation has no job security because the company does not employ them. They have no benefits or protections, such as health insurance or paid time off. Due to the job's physical demands, they also work long hours and experience fatigue. Customer demand and how many riders are on duty may affect job assignments daily. Depending on customer demand and rider availability, job assignments vary. In order to meet customer demands, riders may be required to work long shifts or odd hours. As a result of a lack of job security and benefits, riders and their families may experience financial instability.

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In-Text Citation: (Salleh et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Salleh, N. M., Shukry, S. N. M., & Jokinol, V. M. C. (2023). Analyzing the Challenges, Effects, and Motivations of Gig Economy Workers. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(6), 2125 – 2142.