ISSN: 2222-6990
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The act of philanthropy encourages men to preserve relationships with God, humans, and other living creatures, towards sustained peace and harmony. Given its advantages, Islamic advocation and guidance on philanthropy as the basis of Islamic charity, can be found in numerous verses of the Holy Quran and Prophetic traditions. Be that as it may, philanthropy is commonly associated with adulthood, specifically adults who have attained maturity and financial stability. This paper offers a different insight by emphasizing the importance of philanthropy education towards children. The earlier children are taught on the gift of giving, the more it becomes a matter of practice and habit that continues into adulthood. Using a qualitative research methodology, this paper uses secondary sources to gain a broader understanding on the linkage between philanthropy and children. This paper first explores Islamic perspective on philanthropy which includes the modes and advantages. This is followed by highlighting the importance of inculcating philanthropy values among children which benefits include encouraging positive value and attitude, enhancing the ability to understand others, developing social problem-solving skills, and building charitable citizens. Finally, it presents recommendations grounded on five important principles on how children philanthropy education can be improved via education and family institutions.
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In-Text Citation: (Sahri et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Sahri, M., Ishak, A. H., Zabidi, M. M., & Zainudin, U. M. (2023). Philanthropy Education: Children and The Gift of. International Journal of Academic Research in Business & Social Sciences, 13(7), 772 – 781.
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