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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Gen Z Indonesia in the Era of Post-Pandemic Disruption

Nina Permata Sari, Muhammad Andri Setiawan, Agus Hadi Utama, Hamsi Mansur, Mohd Hanafi Mohd Yasin

Open access

The post-pandemic era has had a significant impact on student time management, especially for middle-level students who do not have enough time to complete their school assignments, they also experience difficulties in studying different subjects in a limited time. Students during the pandemic and early post-pandemic, learning is carried out via smartphones and the implementation does not take up to 5-6 hours like the implementation of learning at school, this results in students having free time that is not optimal if it is not properly optimized it will be one of the factors weakening student quality in Indonesia. One way that can be done to deal with stress is to apply time blocking techniques. Time Blocking is a time management technique that helps students to schedule and plan learning activities by blocking certain time slots so that more learning activities will be completed more quickly and increase productivity. This study aims to photograph the Gen Z time blocking phenomenon and find its specificity in the Indonesian Z generation in the post-pandemic disruption era who are still in high school. The method in this study uses a quantitative descriptive, population of high school-level students in Indonesia. The sample that became the respondent of this study were high school level students, using a random sampling technique, with as many as 350 respondents. The research results obtained an average of 3.72. Based on the statement regarding the time blocking variable which consists of 14 indicators. That the characteristics of time blocking in gen Z of high school students in Indonesia tend to have very good time blocking abilities. This research can be developed further and broadly, one of which is to compare the results of instruments from two different areas so that the accuracy and usability of this initial instrument can be tested on a wider scope.

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In-Text Citation: (Sari et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Sari, N. P., Setiawan, M. A., Utama, A. H., Mansur, H., & Yasin, M. H. M. (2023). Gen Z Indonesia in the Era of Post-Pandemic Disruption. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(7), 791 – 806.