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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Development of Umum Al-Balwa Parameter for Pandemic Sop: The Fuzzy Delphi Approach

Ahmad Misbah bin Mohamad Hilmi, Muhamad Ismail bin Abdullah, Lukman bin Abdul Mutalib, Ismail bin Omar, Mohd Rofaizal bin Ibhraim, Abdul Hakim bin Baharudin @ Ismail, Muhammad bin Shaberi

Open access

This study sought consensus and expert opinions on the umum al-balwa parameter for a pandemic crisis, as well as to produce SOP recommendations. This study used the Fuzzy Delphi approach using a 7 Likert scale to collect comments from 7 experts in various disciplines of education at Malaysian public universities and medical specialists at the Malaysian Ministry of Health. Experts were given a five-item questionnaire to evaluate. For data analysis, the Fuzzy Delphi approach was utilized. Data were evaluated using triangular fuzzy numbering (triangular fuzzy number), and each variable's location (ranking) was established using the 'defuzzication' procedure. The findings reveal that the response and expert consensus on the umum al-balwa criteria for a pandemic crisis and the development of SOP guidelines. The total expert consensus agreement findings exceed 97%, the overall value of the threshold (d) 0.2, and a-cut exceeds 0.5. The priority guidelines aspects were prioritized and improved by adding and removing items as experts indicated.

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In-Text Citation: (Hilmi et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Hilmi, A. M. bin M., Abdullah, M. I. bin, Mutalib, L. bin A., Omar, I. bin, Ibhraim, M. R. bin, Ismail, A. H. bin B. @, & Shaberi, M. bin. (2023). Development of Umum Al-Balwa Parameter for Pandemic Sop: The Fuzzy Delphi Approach. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(7), 1047 – 1056.