ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Learning a third language is essential for effective intercultural communication. The focus of the study is the introduction of a third language to one's first and second. This area of study presents an opportunity to examine the efficacy of experiential learning in the context of Mandarin language education and it is guided by Kolb's (1984) theory of experiential learning which includes Concrete Experience, Reflective Observation, Abstract Conceptualization, and Active Experimentation. Learning Mandarin was assessed using frequency distributions. The investigation involved 83 Malays learners from three faculties. The data collection process involved administering surveys consisting of 21 questions and gathering the responses. The findings showed concrete experiences in language learning programmes improve language competence, motivation, and outcomes. Encouraging reflective practises can enhance language learning and cultural awareness. Cultural language exercises encourage students' critical and reflective thinking, which helps them learn and understand the third language. The most significant finding is improved communicative competence and confidence. However, it is important to note the limitations of this study, as the participants were all from the same background, and thus the results may be different if applied to participants from diverse backgrounds. Regardless of how extensively the results can be used, the main purpose of cultural programmes is to show learners how important culture context is when learning a third language.
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In-Text Citation: (Sheng et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Sheng, C. Y., Leng, C. O., Jing, H. F., Ying, L. Y., Chien, G. K., & Ibrahim, R. B. (2023). A Study of Experiential Learning on The Acquisition of Mandarin Language Through A Cultural Programme. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(9), 133 – 143.
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