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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Impact of Capacity Utilization on Inflation and Unemployment in Jordan during the Period (2000-2020)

Diaa Mohammed Fahad Nserat, Hussein Al Zyoud

Open access

This study aimed to know the impact of capacity utilization on inflation and unemployment in Jordan during the period (2000-2020), and to provide some recommendations that would enhance the positive effects of capacity utilization in Jordan and reflecting its advantages on inflation and unemployment, and the descriptive approach was followed and the analytical, and the use of statistical methods by applying the necessary tests for the model prepared for that, such as the unit root test, the time-series stability test for the study variables, the autocorrelation test, and the homscedasticity the results of study showed there are absence of a significant effect with a statistical significance for the ability On inflation in Jordan, and the presence of a statistically significant impact on the ability to unemployment in Jordan, the study recommended the need to focus on increasing capacity utilization (full employment)

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In-Text Citation: (Nserat & Zyoud, 2023)
To Cite this Article: Nserat, D. M. F., & Zyoud, H. Al. (2023). The Impact of Capacity Utilization on Inflation and Unemployment in Jordan during the Period (2000-2020). International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(7), 1614 – 1622.