ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
The issue of high employee turnover has long been a cause of concern for many organizations’ human resource managers and employers, particularly those working in the hospitality industry. The management, HR department, and HR management (Managers and supervisors) would be interested in this research to modify and enhance the turnover method based on the employee’s perception and motivation. This is since the research identifies the causes of high employee turnover in the hospitality sector through the Urban Inn case study. The problem statement of this study will investigate the relationship between various push factors and staff turnover at the Urban Inn Hotel in Kedah to better understand the problem. The hypothesis is to investigate and define that there is a significant relationship between career and development growth, job satisfaction, salary, workplace environment, communication and relationship with superiors as well as subordinates, and employee turnover. The research utilized a quantitative approach as its methodology. The data in this study are assessed automatically using the SPSS version The probability sampling technique was used for this study, which means that all competent people in the population have an equal probability of being chosen. A survey questionnaire that respondents were able to administer to themselves was used to acquire the data for this study. A sample method known as simple random sampling was utilized. The non-managerial staff who work in the Urban Inn Hotel in Kedah make up the target population for this campaign and a total of 62 samples from the staff of Urban Inn Hotel responded to the questions. The findings show the alpha value for employee turnover was 0.83. Hence, the results of alpha shown in the seven instruments in this research study were described as very good (0.80 to 0.90). The Urban Inn Hotel survey revealed that employee turnover is linked to a variety of factors, including growth in career and development, satisfaction with the job, salary, quality of the work environment, and communications and relationships with superiors and subordinates. The survey results supported the hypotheses of the study, indicating a strong correlation between the criteria outlined above and turnover. Furthermore, the survey results revealed that over half of respondents are satisfied with the work objectives and direction provided by the organization. The information has been laid up in the form of tables, figures, and charts. It is recommended that future research should employ a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods, provided that sufficient time and improved tools are available. Qualitative research methods should be employed in lieu of quantitative research approaches, and a plan should be developed to combine the two approaches. Furthermore, it is suggested that the scope of the research be extended to cover additional states, including those in Malaysia, Malaysia, and Penang, Malaysia. Mediation should be included in the research, including promotion, job satisfaction, salary, communication, and employee engagement activities.
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(Nor et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Nor, S. M., Azmee, D. S. S., Khew, S. Y., & Yap, C. K. (2023). Factors Influencing (Push Factor) Employees Turnover in The Hospitality Industry in Kedah: A Case Study of – Urban Inn Hotel, Kedah. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(9), 1558–1574.
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