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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Exploration of Product Performance Photography in New Product Development (Npd) Activity: A Design Thinking Approach

Nik Nor Azidah Nik Aziz, Verly Veto Vermol, Ghazali Daimin

Open access

Photography is a distinctive medium that can be used to research the product design problem and develop new development strategies. This study uses a Design Thinking (DT) approach to explore product performance photography in New Product Development (NPD) activity. Product performance photography can provide valuable insights into user behaviour and preferences, helping designers and engineers to develop more innovative and effective products. The design thinking approach emphasises a human-centred approach to design, prioritising empathy, experimentation and iteration. Through user research and analysis of product performance photographs, NPD teams can identify areas for improvement and develop new design concepts that understand the target audience and their needs. This includes interviews, surveys and observations to gather insights into user behaviour, preferences and pain points. This study provides empirical data that presents photography's influence on product design development. The design guidelines were summarised accordingly by analysing images taken while the quality of the product designed can be enhanced. The study also provides evidence to support the interactionist theoretical framework when describing the meaning attribution process to product forms. Knowledge gained from the study is beneficial for product designers when communicating clearly with users via product forms and as a result, achieving commercial success.

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(Aziz et al., 2023)
Aziz, N. N. A. N., Vermol, V. V., & Daimin, G. (2023). The Exploration of Product Performance Photography in New Product Development (Npd) Activity: A Design Thinking Approach. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(12), 1872-1884.