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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Relationship between Accountability and Teachers' Performance: A Systematic Review of Literature

Abdulsalam bin Salem bin Abdullah Al-Abri, Mohamad Azrien Bin Mohamed Adnan, Asyraf Isyraqi Bin Jamil, Fareed awae, Hassan Abuhassna

Open access

It is important to draw attention to the devastating effects that accountability have on teacher performance, which some educational institutions use to monitor teachers. This article aims to study the relationship between accountability and teacher performance and its implications. This article used Systematic Literature Review (SLR) through PRISMA to analyze 29 research papers to fill the knowledge gap. The results of the analysis of previous studies showed that there is a positive relationship between accountability and teacher performance, which is summarized in reforming administrative systems, improving teacher performance, providing professional development programs, developing educational strategies, and increasing student test results. There are also destructive effects of this relationship, which lie entirely in the pressure of accountability that leads to governments disavowing responsibility. Its responsibilities in reforming education and places that responsibility on the shoulders of teachers alone, as well as schoolteachers’ feelings of tension, stress, and depression resulting from excessive accountability. The study recommends providing continuous support from actors in this regard about governance and accountability, enhancing the focus on cooperation and teacher partnership in evaluating his performance, and adopting the principle of collective responsibility for reforming educational systems, highlighting the great benefit of self-accountability, and in the future, we suggest conducting studies on accountability from a religious perspective.

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(Al-Abri et al., 2023)
Al-Abri, A. bin S. bin A., Bin, M. A., Adnan, M., Jamil, A. I. Bin, Awae, F., & Abuhassna, H. (2023). Relationship between Accountability and Teachers’ Performance: A Systematic Review of Literature. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(10), 909–914.