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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Examining Moderator Factor Influencing Teachers’ Implementing Program i-THINK: The Role of Teachers’ Work Experience

Premalatha Sathianarayanan, Nor Hasnida Bt Che Md Ghazali, Izazol Bt Idris, Hishamuddin Bin Ahmad

Open access

The utilization of the i-THINK implementation program among primary school teachers has the potential to enhance the quality of teaching and learning. This approach gained traction, particularly following the lacklustre and moderate student performance observed in the Trends in International Mathematics and Sciences Study (TIMSS) and Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) between 2009 and 2019 in Malaysia. To frame this study, the CIPP model was adopted, encompassing evaluations of context, input, process, and product. This model, pioneered by Daniel Stufflebeam, laid the groundwork for the research instrument. Besides, this study also aims to investigate how work experience, acting as a moderating factor, influences the relationship between context and process evaluations concerning the product evaluation when implementing the i-THINK program. The respondents in this study consisted of 500 teachers from 9 schools in the Selangor region of Malaysia. Employing a quantitative methodology and in-depth survey questionnaires, the research data underwent analysis through Structural Equation Modelling using IBM-SPSS Amos 24.0. The findings unveiled a significant correlation between context and process evaluations with product evaluation. In terms of the impact of work experience as a moderator, the study disclosed that work experience indeed moderated the effects within the product evaluation aspect of implementing the i-THINK program.

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(Sathianarayanan et al., 2023)
Sathianarayanan, P., Ghazali, N. H. B. C. M., Idris, I. B., & Ahmad, H. Bin. (2023). Examining Moderator Factor Influencing Teachers’ Implementing Program i-THINK: The Role of Teachers’ Work Experience. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(10), 1139–1146.