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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

What a Rude Person! Emotional and Behavioural Reactions to Workplace Incivility

Nur Farzana Mohamad Nahar, Ida Rosnita Ismail, Enny Marlinah Manggor

Open access

Organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB) that promotes a supportive work environment and vital to ensure organizational functioning maybe jeopardised in the presence of workplace incivility. Research examining the consequences of workplace incivility on OCB is, nevertheless, limited. Thus, this study intends to address this gap. Using social exchange theory and affective events theory as underpinning theories, this study examined the relationship between workplace incivility and OCB with anger as a mediating variable and hostile attribution bias as a moderating variable. Data were collected from 348 employees in the Malaysian public sector via survey questionnaire. The study hypotheses were tested using PLS structural equation modelling. The results of the study showed that (a) workplace incivility had a significant indirect effect on OCB through anger and (b) hostile attribution bias did not moderate the relationship between workplace incivility and anger. Theoretically, this study adds to the body of knowledge by supporting the presence of tit-for-tat exchanges in cases of workplace incivility and emphasizing the need of examining emotions linked with experiencing workplace incivility incidents. Practically, this study provides understanding and awareness that workplace incivility is a costly problem for organizations. Several initiatives can be taken to reduce workplace incivility occurrence, including (a) increasing the awareness of the causes and consequences of workplace incivility and (b) taking incivility complaints seriously regardless of the perpetrator’s position. To assist employees in managing their negative emotions at the workplace, organizations may consider providing emotion-regulation workshops or integrating counselling services. In the future, this study can be replicated and extended by including other potential mediators and moderators to better explain the phenomenon of workplace incivility.

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(Nahar et al., 2023)
Nahar, N. F. M., Ismail, I. R., & Manggor, E. M. (2023). What a Rude Person! Emotional and Behavioural Reactions to Workplace Incivility. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(10), 1229–1245.