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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Political Legitimacy: Umno kelantan Leadership Crisis 1990-2013

Aziawati Zakaria, Jamaie Hamil, Mohd Rizal Mohd Yaakop

Open access

Kelantan is one of the states with the largest number of Malays and acts as a benchmark for the Malay political economy in Malaysia. Kelantan is often associated with its uniqueness owing to its social, cultural, economic and political conditions that are different from other states. In the political context, Kelantan has never shared the same history with other states since it is the only state in Malaysia that has been ruled by an opposition party for the longest time. The opposition party that dominates the state government of Kelantan is Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS). History has proven that UMNO was only able to rule Kelantan for a short period of time, from the 1978 General Election to the 1990 General Election, which was only accounted for 12 years. Until the 2013 General Election, PAS has ruled Kelantan for 23 years, hence proving that the people of Kelantan still support PAS in terms of its Islamic-based struggle with the slogan 'Membangun Bersama Islam'. UMNO was no longer able to maintain its victory in Kelantan starting from the 1990 General Election, which witnessed the cooperation of PAS with Semangat 46, BERJASA and HAMIM until the 2013 General Election. This disability of UMNO is the primary focus of this study. After almost 23 years of being under the rule of the opposition party, UMNO was seen trying to take back Kelantan but remained unsuccessful. The 2004 General Election demonstrated some promising results when UMNO almost dominated the position of seats in the DUN by obtaining 21 out of 45 seats in the election. However, the hope to dominate it in the 2008 General Election did not materialise when UMNO lost badly in Kelantan since it only won 6 DUN seats and 2 parliamentary seats. UMNO's efforts were seen as unable to match PAS's capabilities. It was observed that the weaknesses in leadership, strategy and workflow, as well as UMNO's internal division, are the main factors that contributed to UMNO's defeat in Kelantan.

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(Zakaria et al., 2023)
Zakaria, A., Hamil, J., & Yaakop, M. R. M. (2023). Political Legitimacy: Umno kelantan Leadership Crisis 1990-2013. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(12), 80–90.