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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Board Member with Political Connections, Audit Committee Expertise, Competent Management Team and Timeliness of Financial Reporting: Malaysia Non-Profit Organization Evidence

Yusri Huzaimi Mat Jusoh, Farah Ahlami Mansor, Wan Mohd Firdaus Wan Mohamed, Mohamad Sayuti Salleh, Mohamad Ikram Ramzi, Wan Muzlaina Wan Mustafa

Open access

This study examines the relationship between board members with political connection, audit committee expertise, competent management team with the timeliness of financial reporting among Non-Profit Organizations (NPO) in Malaysia. A structured questionnaire was distributed to the stakeholders of NPO throughout Malaysia. The data analysis from 122 completed responses revealed that audit committee expertise and competent management team proved to have a significant impact on the timeliness of financial reporting among the NPO in Malaysia. The finding of this study not only contributed to literature in exploring determinant compliance for the timeliness of financial reporting of NPO, but they also provide insights to the governing bodies and the NPO stakeholders to make policy decisions for improving timeliness compliance level. This present study, however, has limitations due to the use of closed questionnaires that might not capture further information completely.

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