ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Work engagement has become a major concern for many organisations in recent years, as they have had to adapt to a constantly shifting work environment. Recognition of work engagement in the public sector is growing, mostly attributed to the presence of many challenges in government organisational systems. Disengaged staff in government organisations can hurt finances and service delivery. Due to growing interest in the job demands–resources model in the field of public administration, this research is conducted to investigate the relationship between proactive personality, growth mindset and transformational leadership towards work engagement among public sector employees who worked in a City Council office located in Malaysia. The present study employed a quantitative research design, utilizing a self-administered questionnaire as the primary data collection instrument. A collective sum of 252 participants provided responses to a series of electronic surveys. The acquired data was subsequently analysed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 23. The Regression analysis revealed that there were positive significant relationships between proactive personality and transformational leadership with work engagement. While growth mindset revealed no significant relationship toward work engagement.
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