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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Level of Mental Health and Coping Strategies During the Enhanced Movements Control Order (EMCO) in Simpang Renggam, Johor.

Fauziah Ani, Norizan Rameli, Zahrul Akmal Damin, Shahidah Hamzah, Siti Khorriyatul Khotimah

Open access

The Enhanced Movement Control Order (EMCO) during the Covid-19 pandemic adversely affected mental health issues in Malaysia. The movement restriction in certain localities in the country, which hindered usual activities, caused a disruption in societal routines, compared to the pre-pandemic period. This change brought about pressure in the lives of those affected. Based on this issue, a research is conducted to study the level of mental health and coping to overcome the problem among residents in Bandar Baru Ibrahim Majid and Kampung Dato’ Ibrahim Majid in Simpang Renggam, Johor. This study uses the quantitative method, supported by the qualitative method. Around 150 residents in the two localities were selected as respondents by using the cluster sampling method. The data collected through questionnaires are analysed descriptively through the SPSS. The findings show the level of mental health is at a normal stage. For coping, the problem-focused coping is at a high level, while for emotion-focused and avoidance coping are at a moderate level. Therefore, to ensure the mental health of the people remains at the normal stage, there must be efforts from the Government and the NGOs to sponsor mental health literacy and screening activities with health centres periodically.

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