ISSN: 2222-6990
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The entrepreneur program for the asnaf (poor) provide a technopreneurship knowledge in shaping future competitiveness and ensuring economic growth. Nevertheless, the majority of asnaf entrepreneurs remain conventional operating. As a result, the threat of competitors will undoubtedly impact the sustainability of their business. To increase their business potential and ensure the long-term stability of their business, it is therefore essential for asnaf entrepreneurs to move to the financial technology platform. The present research incorporates the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) to assess how mobile banking affects asnaf entrepreneurs' behavioral intentions, including e-lifestyle, in rural contexts. Cross-sectional information obtained from 360 asnaf entrepreneurs living in rural Malaysia has been examined using structural equation modeling. The findings confirmed statistically significant variables that could encourage an asnaf entrepreneur's intention to adopt fintech to benefit from the supplier, bank institution, and efficient customer transaction. This study also has social implications for addressing poverty eradication among asnaf entrepreneurs in rural Malaysia. In addition, it could serve as a guideline for the State Islamic Religious Council as it develops suitable entrepreneur programs and strategies to increase literacy in finance technology for asnaf zakat entrepreneurs. Finally, this study discovered that the UTAUT theory seldom examines financial technology adoption, particularly regarding asnaf entrepreneurs.
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