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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Empirical Study of Leadership Styles on Task Performance

Chua Han Cheng, Zahir Bin Osman

Open access

Consensus on adopting leadership styles is subjected to argumentative rigour. Previous studies have found evidence that directive leadership style is effective in resolving team's task and role ambiguity; in improving performance and core task performance, however, supportive leadership is identified as an effective leadership approach that heeds employees' personal needs; providing them with social and emotional support. Directive and supportive leadership styles are found to complement each other resulting in improved performance outcomes. This study presents the direct effect of these two factors on the relationship between leadership styles and task performance. Empirical results are presented in the sequel to this theoretical study.

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(Cheng & Osman, 2023)
Cheng, C. H., & Osman, Z. Bin. (2023). Empirical Study of Leadership Styles on Task Performance. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(12), 3546–3572.