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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Influence of Big 5 Personality Traits on Entrepreneurs’ Success Goals

Musli Sahimi, Adriana Mohd Rizal

Open access

Entrepreneurial success is the goal of entrepreneurs. However, the goals of entrepreneurs go beyond financial performance. Studying factors that motivate entrepreneurs to achieve their success goals is important to understand their actions and the development of their businesses. This paper looks at the influence of Big 5 personality traits on entrepreneurial success. Entrepreneurial success consists of important goals that entrepreneurs strive to achieve. Depending on which goals the entrepreneurs consider important, these success criteria form the motivation and action to achieve these goals. Thus, the personality traits of the entrepreneur have a positive influence on determining which success goals are important to them.

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(Sahimi & Rizal, 2023)
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