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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Roles that Institutional Investor Playing in Corporate Governance: An International Literature Review

Feng Weiwei, Wei Hui, Sulochana Nair

Open access

The increase in institutional investors has changed the shareholding structure of listed companies. Research on the roles that institutional investor playing in corporate governance has attracted attention. Scholars have conducted a great deal of normative research on this and have also provided empirical evidence. In the early days of the study, scholars studied investors as a whole. During this period, there were mainly three different views on the roles that institutional investors playing in corporate governance. With the development of research, scholars gradually realized that institutional investors have different characteristics, and classified research began. There are mainly four types of classification standard. Classified research provided meaningful exploration for institutional investor research, however even with the same classification, completely opposite conclusions often appear. This paper reviews scholars' research on the roles that institutional investors playing in corporate governance, analyzes the reasons for the opposite conclusion, and makes suggestions for future research.

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