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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Addressing Unemployment Issues and the Role of Universities as Platforms for Graduate Employability

Irma Wani Othman, Muhammad Safuan Yusoff, Muhammad Huzaifah Mohd Kamal

Open access

Since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic in Malaysia, it has had a discernible negative impact, especially on the workforce and on university graduates seeking employment opportunities upon completing their studies. This situation necessitated the Malaysian government's implementation of movement control orders, which significantly affected the employment sector. Many job sectors in Malaysia were halted due to movement restrictions, leading to large companies reducing their workforce due to the substantial losses incurred during the Covid-19 pandemic, ultimately resulting in limited job opportunities for university graduates. In line with these circumstances, this paper discusses the research objectives undertaken to analyse trends and identify preparatory measures that university graduates can take to address this unemployment issue. Some of the highlighted issues include: (i) The need for university graduates to deepen their cognitive knowledge or generic skills, (ii) The implementation of the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) in higher education, (iii) The role of universities as platforms for graduate employability, and (iv) Government initiatives offering job opportunities for graduates. The qualitative content analysis method, involving data from secondary sources such as indexed books, academic journals, official websites, online news sources, and books, has been employed in this writing. As a result, this paper initiates a discussion on how to address unemployment among university graduates, emphasizing the roles of individuals, universities, and government efforts in producing competitive graduates akin to those from developed countries. Suggestions and implications related to addressing the unemployment issue are topics that can be further explored, contributing to the rejuvenation of public universities while simultaneously enhancing public knowledge regarding these institutions.

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