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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Impact of Dynamic Capabilities on Organizational Ambidexterity at Bahraini Private Universities

Fatema Alnashmi, Shaker Jaralla Alkshali

Open access

This study aimed to identify the impact of dynamic capabilities in its dimensions (sensing capability, learning capability, integration capability, coordination capability, and reconfiguration capability) on organizational ambidexterity in its two dimensions (exploration and exploitation) in Bahraini private universities. The study used the quantitative descriptive method and was conducted on a sample of 106 managers at these universities. To achieve the objectives of the study in its quantitative aspect, the mean, standard deviation, and simple and multiple regression coefficients were used.
The study revealed that there are medium levels of dynamic capabilities, as well as organizational ambidexterity, there is a significant impact of dynamic capabilities on organizational ambidexterity, and that dynamic capabilities have a significant impact on both exploration and exploitation.
The researchers recommended increasing the interest of private university administrations in Bahrain in employing new knowledge in developing their current and future activities, by entering into strategic alliances with well-known regional and international universities to benefit from their expertise.

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(Alnashmi & Alkshali, 2023)
Alnashmi, F. A., & Alkshali, S. J. (2023). The Impact of Dynamic Capabilities on Organizational Ambidexterity at Bahraini Private Universities. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(12), 6297-6310.