ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Manufacturing sectors are identified to be of the foremost importance expected to increase Malaysia's GDP contribution to the Eleventh Malaysia Plan (11th MP). The present study aims to explore the effect of organizational commitment and organizational culture on employee performance by testing the mediating role of OCB and IWB in the context of the manufacturing industry of Malaysia. The qualitative method was employed in this study consisting of the 5 employees of the manufacturing industry in Malaysia. Social exchange theory (SET) and social identification theory (SIT) were used to support the proposed hypothesis. Results indicated that organizational culture and organizational commitment have positively affected employee performance. It was also shown that IWB and OCB significantly impact employee performance. Interestingly, OCB and IWB play a mediating role in the effect of organizational culture and organizational commitment toward employee performance. However, all these elements are important in influencing employee performance. The study contributes to the literature on OCB, employee performance, IWB, organizational commitment, and organizational culture by developing and testing their possible connections. The finding of this study will provide owners and top managers in the manufacturing industry insight into the variables improving employee performance.
This study provides a basis for researchers to reach more mounting evidence about the practice of employee performance in the manufacturing industry in Malaysia.
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